july the third – clam-digging eve

The fourth of july was pretty lame this year, as I mentioned in my last post. It rather boringly fell mid-week on a Wednesday but that didn’t stop us from making an occasion out of it. On Tuesday, a bunch of us piled into cars and drove down to the Kenai Peninsula to do a little…

for The Mom

A couple of weeks ago I took a one-hour watercolor painting class (my first foray into the medium) and this is the fruit of my labor, Geraniums in Blue Pot: My instructor and fellow students kept coming over to admire the job I was doing and they proclaimed me a natural at watercolor painting but I…

oh, piecrust i love you

After talking friends into doing the Whole Living cleanse challenge then backing out at the last minute (because hello? giving up caffeine, alcohol AND meat all at once? what’s the point of living at that point?), I have been eating right this week and abstaining from alcohol (unless you count these two shots of whiskey…

a gingerbird house

There were a couple of gingerbread houses leftover after the gingerbread house decorating party I threw a few weeks ago. I slathered it with peanut butter and sprinkled it with birdseed and put it out on the front porch rail. I haven’t seen any birds gnawing on it yet.

a new year

You know you have a neglected blog when you can remember neither your user name nor your password. I’m taking my cue from Mariah and taking part in Project 365. Here’s my first photo of the new year. It’s negative 20 outside (you heard me right: -20. Fahrenheit.) but the sun is beautiful coming through the front window and…

mom’s caramel corn

She’s been making this caramel corn forever. I remember eating it at parties when I was in junior high and that was… well. That was a long time ago. She brings it to my pumpkin carving party every year and it’s always a hit. Here’s her recipe, exactly as emailed to me. Caramel Corn (make…

A bellyful of fish on New Year's Day

We thought we’d start the New Year off right with an ice fishing party on a lake we’d never been to but had heard good things about. Trout a foot or two long? We were on it.  Too bad Alaska Fish and Game’s online directions to the lake were totally crappy. We were in two…

Cranberry Orange Nut Bread

This recipe is always on the back of the bag of Ocean Spray cranberries so every year I think, why not make it. It’s nice because while it’s a sweet bread, it doesn’t start with a stick of butter as so many other dessert breads do. As I mentioned before, we tried to lighten up…

Apple Stuffed Pork Loin Roast

Because a couple of our peeps are now on a regimen on heart and cholesterol medicines (and not due to my cooking, mind you, but due instead to bad genes in one case and too many trips to Carls Jr in the other case), we tried to healthy-it-up a little for Christmas dinner this year….

little flags

I got the idea for these cool flag garlands at one of my favorite blogs, 3191. I made the one above from scraps leftover from Zen’s quilt and wrapped the packaged quilt in the garland (see yesterday’s post). They also look smashingly good on the tree: Seen as how 3191 usually takes their posts down…

a q for Z

That stands for a quilt for Zen, by the way. My old and good friend Leanne’s frequent hint-hints finally paid off (after a year or two or more of hint-hinting) and in early fall I got to work on making her son Zen a little quilt. It was ready just in time to show off…